Tips on How To Keep Your House Dust Free

Every homeowner face a dust problem in his home. Whether if it’s hiding behind pictures furniture, or if it’s sitting in plain site on the floor – We all found ourselves cleaning and dusting on a daily basis.

Furthermore, all this handling can be exhausting and a real time consumer! Imagine that instead of sweeping your floor every day, you could lay on the couch and rest, or read a book.

In order to help you save your precious time, we put together a small list of tips on how to keep your home as dust free as possible:

Make sure there nothing laying on the floor and collects dust:

Which one of us hasn’t left a pile of clothes laying on the floor or a chair? However you’ll be surprised by how much dust can a simple clothes or pillows can collect. So, in order to reduce dust gathering on the floor, you should make sure that you’re keeping your floor as clear of objects as possible.

On the other hand, if you already left things laying on the floor, quickly take a broom or a vacuum cleaner and collect the dust before it’ll grow bigger and spread out to the rest of the house. Moreover, you should consider adding a regular base sweeping or vacuuming at your home. It’ll help reduce dust gathering more efficient.

In addition, keep in mind that carpets are main source of dust gathering. If you choose to place a carpet at your home, make sure you put extra attention at cleaning it and its surrounding.


Keep the biggest dust gathering source as clean as possible:


Most people will find it hard to believe that what’s collecting the most dust in the house is their bed and the sheets. While you’re sleeping, your dead skin cells leaves your body, dry up and with the help of other dirt and dander, they generates a huge amount of dust.

So, how can you reduce it? First, you should put priority at changing the bed sheets once a week. Moreover, if possible, try purchasing and using the quality sheets and bedding, especially allergen proof bedding.

Frequently clean forgot places

Your closets, bed heads, light switches and more! So many areas and furniture left un-attended week after week. As a result for not been cleaned on a regular basis, those objects collect lots of dust and dirt that spreads to other part of the house.

We know that cleaning those places and things will only add time to your cleaning process, but don’t neglect it! If you’ll clean it up, it’ll prevent dust build up and you’ll end up with a nice and clean home.


Always remember that Empire Maid cleaning service can take all that cleaning burden off your hands! We can come on a daily, weekly or even a monthly basis to make sure your property is at the best shape possible!

Click here to get a quote for your property clean!