Garage Cleaning

The first thing that comes in mind when thinking about cleaning the garage is complete fear. When was the last time you even opened the garage and took a look on the stuff you stored there? That’s exactly why we put together our tips and guide to how to clean and organize your garage.

The garage usually stores items that you want to save but probably never use again. Such as old baby clothes, pictures, videos, games, gifts your received, old furniture and more. That’s why we advise to do a thorough clean once a year or so – To make sure you really need all that’s stores there.

Garage cleaning

So, where do you start with garage cleaning?

First step: prepare a space for the objects you’ll clear

In order to a thorough cleaning, you’ll need to empty the garage first. While doing so, you can start the sorting process. For example, throw away the things you know you don’t need to keep anymore.

To do so, you’ll need to prepare some space that is big enough for all your stuff.  For example, you can use your back yard, or the front lawn. As long as it’s big enough and easy for you to reach to, it’s perfect.

Once the space is ready, start removing everything from the garage, and sort it into different categories. For example: things that belongs to you, to your spouse, to the kids, to work etc.

Second Step: clean the garage

Now that the garage is empty, it’s much easier to properly clean it. Start by removing cow web, dust and large trash (paper, plastic wraps,etc.) Than, wipe everything that couldn’t be taken out- night stands, built on shelves and more. The next task is swiping the floor (or vacuum it). Make sure you remove all the dust.

Once you’re done, prepare a bucket with water and suitable cleaning products and start cleaning! Do it as much thoroughly as you possibly can. Use a lot of water (but not too much) and scrub the floor with an old broom before moping it.

Third Step: Sort your belongings

While the garage floor is drying up, start sorting your belongings to what you want to keep and what you want to toss away. Our advice is to keep what you really need. For example, pictures and videos of you as a child- keep! However, a lamp you got as a gift and never used it – toss.

Furthermore, you can give the things you want to toss away to donations! That way, you’re getting rid of your unused belongings and doing a good deed.

Once you’re done with the sorting process, store the objects at boxes and write down what’s in the box. By doing so, you’ll make it easier for you to find an item in the future.

Last step: Return everything back inside!

When you finish the sorting and organizing process, start returning everything back in to the clean garage. Make sure you do so in a certain order and system (For example, your belongings, your kids, furniture, etc.)

Furthermore, start by returning the large items first. That way, you can save some space for other items.

Now you can rest! Your garage is clean and there’s nothing in there you don’t need.

We hope you found this guide as helpful as we wished for it to be.

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