Clean up after you pet

Cleaning up after your pat is one of the responsibilities that comes with owning it. However it can become a full time job! Keeping your home clean and tidy when owning a pet, easily becomes a daily routine.

That’s why we at, Empire Maid cleaning service, put together a couple of tips to help ease your cleaning tasks. Also, it might even help you to develop a schedule and some sort of routine.

Clean up after you pet

Our Tips:

1. If you have a puppy, make sure you put training him in the top of you to do list. A puppy is far more vivid and messy than an older animal. It want to constantly play, bite anything they can find, run anywhere in the house and, doesn’t know where they allow to pee and poop. However, a trained puppy is easier to handle and even easier to clean up after!

In addition, you can even use formal puppy school, to help you train your puppy to the best results.

2. Use all natural cleaning products in order to keep your pet healthy. By using chemical contain cleaning products, you might expose your pet to danger and risk his life and health.

Furthermore, cleaning up after a sick pet is harder than cleaning up after a healthy one.

3. Clean and sanitize your pet’s bowls every couple of days. You can wash them with hot water and soap, op place them in the dishwasher on a hot cycle. Moreover, place the bowls on top of plastic tray to contain the mess your pet will cause by simply drinking water or eating.

4. If you have a puppy or a little kitty, try to define an area in the house that’s theirs, and place some sort of fence around it. You can put the pet inside at nights, or, when you’re leaving the house. By doing so, you’ll know that the area you’ll need to clean will be smaller and easier to clean.

5.  Make sure you place your litter tray in a well ventilated location and out of sight. In addition, scoop daily to remove any litter left over and replace the contents at least once a week.

6. Place all of the pet toys and belongings in one place (a box for example). That way, organizing it at the end of the day becomes easier!

This tips will help you keep your house clean and organized. However, you’d be surprise from how much unseen dirt can build up in some places in your house.

Empire Maid cleaning service provides deep cleaning service for any kind of property you own!

If you have any more question, or wish to book our service – Contact us!

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