Cleaning and sanitizing your children’s toys

As your kids grow older, the more toys you buy for them. Nevertheless, most kids hold tight to their toys for as long as they can. Add that to the amount of people that touches it (Other kids, babysitters, and even family), and you get a germs celebration.

Now, ask yourself this: When was the last time you cleaned the toys? When was the last time you sanitized it? Most people hasn’t cleaned it in the last couple of months. In order to keep your kids safe, you should make some sort of daily routine for cleaning and sanitizing the toys.

Furthermore, we at Empire maid cleaning service put together our tips and guide on how to clean your kids’ toys. We divided it into 2 main categories: Stuffed toys and rubber or plastic toys.


Stuffed Toys:

Those kind of toys gather more dust and dirt than any other kind. There are 2 way to wash it, hand washing and using the laundry machine.

Hand wash cleaning:

First, make sure you use baby safe cleaning products. Than, check if the toy loses color by water. (you can drop a few water drops and squeeze it to check). If it loses color, than you should clean it by using a trowel.

First, vacuum the toy to remove the dust and dirt. Than, in a bowl, mix a mild solution of water and laundry detergent (remember- Only baby safe products). Put the towel in the mix and gently wipe the toys. Don’t scrub it if not needed and expect some color to rub onto the towel. Finally, use a clean towel only damped in water, to remove the cleaning products. To dry it, simply leave it to air dry.

Washing machine cleaning:

The first thing you should know is that stuffed toys with battery packs, in-built rattles, or external embellishments should not be washed in a washer. In addition, ripped ones should be stitched up securely before washing to avoid further damage.

Use a laundry wash bag, or a pillow case to place them in the machine. Make sure you leave some space for the them to move, so the cleaning will be more efficient. Than, use a gentle wash plan and a warm water cycle.

Furthermore, the safest way to dry it, is to allow it to air dry. Place them in some place that the kids can’t reach and let it dry overnight.

Rubber or plastic cleaning:

There’re 2 ways to wash plastic or rubber toys: Using a dishwasher or do it by hand.

Dishwasher cleaning:

Place the smaller ones into the mesh bag to avoid “losing” it in the dishwasher. Than place all the other toys in an organized way in the dishwasher. Furthermore, use a baby safe dish soup and run a normal cycle (whatever you normally use is ok).

Once the dishwasher is done, let them air dry for another 30-40 minutes before placing it back in their place.

Also, make sure you don’t put thin or flimsy plastic toys in your dishwasher as they may get damaged.

By hand cleaning:

First, mix baby safe cleaning and disinfecting products with water in a large bowl or bucket. (To be more efficient, check the label for accurate amounts.) Than, soak the toys in for 30 minutes. (If the toys are floating, dunk them every now and then.) Once the time is over, clean every toy using a clean sponge or a light scrubber. To finish the process, rub each toy with a clean towel and let it dry overnight.

In conclusion, it’s very important to clean and disinfect your children’s toys as soon as possible. Especially with the COVID 19 going on, you should pay out more attention in cleaning it.

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