End of lease Cleaning Checklist

When thinking of End of lease cleaning, all that comes up is how hard and long it’s going to be. For some, it means to finally have to deal with all the tasks they kept postponing around the property.

The way we see it, this cleaning doesn’t have to be as hard as you think! You can do some things in order to help easier the process. For example, you can start cleaning sooner than you planned. Instead of doing an intense cleaning a couple of days before you leave, you can do some cleaning tasks a month earlier and ease the pressure.

We, at Empire Maid Cleaning want’s to help you get through this cleaning process as much as we can. We offer end of lease cleaning service at the best rates!

Moreover, we put together a checklist of all the tasks that needs to be done and some of our tips for a most effective work:

Cleaning Checklist

Our Tips for End of Lease cleaning:

Prepare all cleaning product and supplies in advance:

Before you start the cleaning, you should make sure you have all of the cleaning products you need close by. We suggest you’ll place them in the same location (like in a cabinet or a closet). Example for such products: Broom, vacuum, gloves, mop, bucket, sponges, cleaning soap, paper towels, garbage bags, etc.

Remove any available Furniture before:

In order to ease up the process, you can clear the house from as much furniture and belongings as possible. It can be so much easier to do a thorough cleaning of an empty space rather than a loaded one. Moreover, by doing so, you’ll get more access to non-reachable locations and could easily clean them.

Prepare and Follow a schedule:

Make a cleaning schedule in advances and check out any finished tasks. It’ll encourage you to finish all the tasks quickly and in the most efficient way. Moreover, you can divide your tasks in a way that every day you clean a room or an area in the house.

The Cleaning Checklist:


Cooking areas – counters, stove tops, dining tables, racks, walls stains, etc. Make sure you remove all marks and chemicals.

Sinks – clean the tap, water spout and handled. Also, remove any leftovers and debris from the drains.

Dishwasher – inside the machine, including all racks and rubbers. Remove any leftover food and dirt from the filter and rinse. Tip – ass a small cup of bleach to the rinse and you’ll kill any bacteria as well.

Refrigerator – Do a thorough cleaning of all the racks and interior parts both fridge and freezer. In addition, clean behind and under the devices (as much as possible).

Extractor fan – Clear out any dirt and dust. You can use the vacuum cleaner to speed up the process.

Cupboards – Empty them and wipe the inside and outside. Moreover, make sure you empty and clean all the shelves and drawers as well.

Microwave and any other additional electronic device- First, unplug them for your safety than clean all parts and the inside and outside of the devices.

Pantry – clear and clean the pantry from side to side.

Garbage Disposer and Bin – before starting, make sure that it’s safe to clean the device. If possible, unplug it before starting. Remove any leftovers and dirt, than clean it with bleach or proper cleaning product.

Floors – Sweep or Vacuum every part of the floor before mopping it.


Toilet- Scrub and disinfect all parts, including under the seat, around and outside of the bowl.

Shower and Bathtub – disinfect and clean every part, including shower glass, taps, drain and the floor. Also, clean the showerhead and remove all mold there is.

Mirrors – clean and remove all wipe marks and dust.

Sinks – Clean the sinks, drain holes, plugs and taps.

Extras – wipe down soap holders, towel rails, toilet paper holder and ceiling fan. Furthermore, make sure you remove all mold and bacteria all across the bathroom. Leave it as clean and disinfected as possible.

Floors – Sweep or Vacuum every part of the floor before mopping it.

Cleaning Checklist

Bedrooms, Living Rooms and Dining Rooms:

Furniture used for storage – Dust and wipe the interior parts of all cupboards, shelves, baskets and drawers. You should return it in the same shape you received it.

Mirrors and Windows- Remove all dust and dirt from the mirrors and windows, including frames and tracks.

Walls- Scrub off any marks, remove all cobwebs, and clean the light switches and power points.

Dusting – Wipe all furniture inside and out. Use cleaning product suitable for this kind of cleaning. Using the wrong products can cause damage to the furniture.

Floors – Sweep or Vacuum every part of the floor before mopping it.

Outside Cleaning:

Yard – mow lawn, weed garden, trim trees, and sweep paved areas.

Patios – clean and hose down all outside verandas or decks, remove spider webs and clean any appliances including barbecues.

Garage – empty and clean any oil marks or dirt, remove cobwebs and clean garage door. Also, make sure you clear and thoroughly clean all cupboards, shelves and drawers.

Cleaning Checklist

Please remember that we always have a team available to come and remove this cleaning burden off your back. Empire Maid Cleaning Service provides the best End of Lease cleaning service in the Melbourne area!

Want to get a quote? Click here for an exact quote.